Sunday, April 19, 2009

If you're happy and you know it...

1. I like Easter. I enjoy all holidays in general. But, this Easter was a little more special. The entire forty days and forty nights of Lent were accompanied by a theme song. One that rings true every morning when my alarm on my phone starts singing. McDonalds birthed to the world the "filet-o-fish-on-the-wall-song," and I swear since the first time I heard it my days have been a little happier. I am disappointed that the Lenten season has now officially come to an end - Orthodox Easter included, because that commercial will be forever put on hold, hopefully replayed again next year. Thank goodness for YouTube so that I can watch it anytime I want.

2. John Madden's last broadcast was of the Steelers' winning their record sixth Super Bowl championship. And so after 30 years of bantering and somehow sneaking in snippets of inappropriate and rigidy biases about what Pittsburgh was doing wrong, Madden is calling it quits. THANK GOD. Listening to him talk was like fingernails on a chalkboard - downright irritating, so irritating you cringe. We can't help it he is bitter that we beat him out of an AFC Championship back in his coaching days with the Oakland Raiders, not once but twice in the 1970's - one of which was the game with the play heard 'round the world - or better known as the "Immaculate Reception."

3. The way I see it, I am 22 years old according to society; however, in my mind it makes more sense to believe that I am 23. Why? Glad you asked. Because when you are born you have entered your first year of life. Once it is complete you celebrate your first birthday for the conclusion of one full year of life and the anticipation of what's to come in the second. So technically after your first birthday you are done with being one, you've lived that one year of life already. So, you are now in your second year of life, thus you are two. So, all you 15 year olds out there, in my mind you're eligible for that drivers permit, and you 17teeners, go cast your vote, or at least register to be able to, and dare I say you 20-year-old mongrels, go test your luck at a bar and try and enjoy your first brewski, because you're really 21.

4. Will Ferrell really is the songbird of our generation. I always thought of him as a decent singer when he sang his ode to Blue (and Kansas at that) in Old School. But he followed up his debut performance a few years later when he tested the waters a bit more in Step Brothers. He attested that his voice trully is "like a combination of Fergie and Jesus."

6. I do not think I will ever fully understand the Geico commercials with the stack of money and the eyeballs. But I do really like the song in it. In case you're wondering - and I know you are - it's called "somebodies watching me" by Mysto and Pizzi.

Alright so there's just a few things to ponder, listen, sing, watch, enjoy for the time being. Until then...

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