1. I hate when I accidentally say good morning to someone when it is clearly well into the afternoon.
2. Twitter me this: I do not understand Miley Cyrus's reasoning for resigning from Twitting her life away. She explains quite colorfully in a (wannabe Taylor Swift) rap that she will no longer be Twittering because she is tired of everyone knowing everything about her personal life. Hang on, now correct me if I am wrong because I do not Twitter, but is it not your choice what you do and do not Tweet? Are you not the one who chooses what to tell the world you are doing or thinking at that given moment? So if Ms. Miley does not want everybody and their mother to know that she is nodding her head and moving her hips like yeah, well then don't Twitt-it. It's not rocket science. Or maybe for some it is. Nonetheless, she's been deemed a "Twitter quitter" in my book.
3. The Hoveround Power Chair commercial gets me every time.
4. I tend to be a bit shy when it comes to telling people that I blog. In fact as far as I know, there is one person that ever reads this because there is only one person that knows about it. Well I mustered up the courage to post the link on my facebook page today in case I have any stalkers out there interested enough to click the link and either feel sorry for me that I blog or actually care to read what I write. If you fall into either one of these categories, thanks for taking a peak, hopefully for the latter and not the former reason.
Song of the day: Luke Bryan "What country is"
8 years ago
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