When I was 11, I hoped I would get a guitar for Christmas. (Best. Christmas. Ever.)
When I was 16 I hoped I would pass my drivers test the first time. (Second time's a charm.)
When one of my best friends dad was diagnosed with cancer, I hoped...and prayed...he would make it through. (He fought the good fight, he finished the race, and he kept the faith.)
When I was in high school, I hoped to get an A on that test to get my GPA to where I wanted it to be. (An A ensued)
When I was 17 my dog died, and although I knew that a new dog would never replace her, I still hoped we would get another. (We did, and she is wonderful.)
When I was 18, I hoped I would get into Penn State Behrend. (I did.)
I then hoped I would be a starter on the soccer team. (It took a little more work than expected and did not happen right away, but...it happened.)
When I graduated college, I hoped to move back home and find a full-time job at the snap of a finger. (Let's just say I am still snapping, but thankful to at least have a job.)
I also hoped throughout college that, along with making new friends, I would hold onto the friendships I had found in high school. (The love I have for them continues to grow and the memories I still make with them everyday are immeasurable.)

Okay, so I hold onto hope quite often in a lot of different ways for a lot of different reasons. And although it does not always turn out how I hoped it would, it always seems to work out. Period. I guess that's my way of saying that everything happens for a reason.
So, now that I have gone a little soft-hearted on you, not usually my forte here, with the eve of the holiday celebration upon us, I am hoping for a white Christmas. And of course they are calling for rain. We had a gorgeous snow fall this past weekend, about a five inch blanket of white all over the ground. Christmas lights look awesome shining through it on trees and homes, and the chill in the air makes it feel like the winter season is upon us. According to Google, Pittsburgh has a 33% chance each year of having a white Christmas. I was sure this would be the year we find ourselves on the inside of that percentage. Nope, according to all the local weatherman, as well as national, and let's not forget Ollie...
It's going to rain. But guess what peeps, I'm holding true to my hold on hope. I am hoping for a white Christmas. I find it hard to believe that in the next 24 hours, after waking up to single digit temps this morning, that it will be cold enough on Christmas, to actually rain. Nope, I am fully convinced that it will in fact snow. I'm positive it will precipitate to some sort of extent, but it will not be rain. Bring on the snow.
My next hope is a biggie. It's like trying to make 2+2=5. Like trying to fit Casey Hampton into a Smart Car. Like trying to enjoy a full episode of Jersey Shore. Like trying to get the Grinch to enjoy Christmas...wait that actually happens. It may sounds ridiculously improbable, but there is always a chance.... What is it that I am hoping? Well, it's something all us Pittsburgh folk want and are wishing for.
I am hoping the Steelers make the dag-on playoffs. Whew, there, I said it. (C'mon now did you really think I'd have an entire post without any mention of my Black and Gold?) There is the slimmest of slim chances of them making it, but hey, just as I say a win, is a win, is a win...a chance, is a chance, is a CHANCE. So, what exactly needs to happen?
1. Well, let's start with the most obvious and simplest of conditions. They need to win their last two regular season games. Water is wet, that's a no brainer. Their first on-field battle comes against conference rivals the Baltimore Ravens on Sunday. With the possibility of Ed Reed being out for the game, coupled with our passing-for-perfection performance last Sunday, I'd say my hope-o-meter just grew a little bit. Kind of like the Grinch's heart.

2. The Jets, Jaguars and Texans each need to lose one of their two remaining games. The Hope-O-Meter is beginning to palpitate.
3. Also either the Broncos need to lose one, or the Ravens lose their final game to the Raiders (given that we beat them on Sunday.)
Case and point. There. Is. Hope. Go Steelers.
And on that note, I Ho-Ho-Hope you all have a Holly, Jolly Christmas!