It was a 5 game winning streak vs. a 5 game losing streak.
It began with a touchdown to Mike Wallace, and finished with a touchdown to Mike Wallace.
Everything else in between was an offensive heaving battle.
Deep in the arctic tundra of Heinz Field, something finally happened, Steelers fans smiled. A mold broke loose, jostled by a mess of media hypocrisy, wrestled with the frustrations of losing, the Pittsburgh Steelers put their rally caps on and pumbled, clawed, crawled and fought their way back to tally a win. FINALLY. The clouds parted and in chimes the choir singing:
Hell was not unleashed. In fact, hell froze over, if you ask me, and was left in a trail of pixy dust back at the dawg pound ten days ago.
It wasn't the prettiest, nor the most relaxing game. But, if we wanted to watch something relaxing we would've ordered a special golf program for the day. Yup, I used the word program, but I feel it's only appropriate when coupled with, or preceded by, the word golf.
Deja what? Oh, deja booyah-vu.
So let's recap.
First and foremost, thank you Sweet Jesus, Lord of Heaven Above for shedding some light down onto Bruce Arians and striking him with a lightning bolt of "victory play calling." Because for once this season, I agreed with most of Bruce's decisions. I'm not sure if I want to touch base on Tomlins decision for an onsides kick in the fourth quarter when we are WINNING. A part of me, believe it or not, agrees with Tomlin's call. Settle yourself. The only reason why is because I know nothing as an insider or experienced player about footie-football. I just like the drama, the suspense and of course winning. So, as long as Tomlin kept me strapped on the edge of my seat during, and a big ol' grin once the game concluded, I am almost okay with that onsides kick call. I mean geeesh, it almost worked! One yard off Ikey, one yard!
And Ben? Holy Moly, over 500 yards in one game! Never been done before by a Pittsburgh Steeler quarterback. Hats off, (or maybe mustache off?) to you buddy. Hell of a job today. Much credit is due to the fact that you threw the ball, and you threw it well. More than well. And you proved it multiple times, sealing the deal with a sweet kiss at the end between you, a football and Mike Wallace.
(Look, they are even wearing black and gold.)
Let's not get overzealous here though. It still boggles my mind to have a quarterback throw over 500 yards in one game, have two receivers over 1,000 for the season, and a running back well on his way, and be at .500 (7-7) for the season thus far. Holding on for dear life for a possible playoff spot. Because, YES, there is still a chance. And as for as I am concerned and for as long as I am a Steeler fan, which is nothing short of forever, I will always be clinging to that teeny, tiny, itsy, bitsy bit of hope that we will make it and prevail in the playoffs to climb that Stairway to Seven all the way to the top! By the way, I'm giving partial credit of their victory to the fact that I went to church this morning. You're welcome, Pittsburgh.
Speaking of big numbers and smiling Steeler fans, Heath Miller broke a record on Sunday. After tallying seven catches in Week 15 for 118 yards, Miller broke the Steelers reception record by a tight end with 68 nabs for the season and counting. The old record was set back in 1993 by Eric Green with 63 receptions.
(Call me.)
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