Friday, May 1, 2009

April showers bring May...showers?

~ I decided this morning as I stepped out my front door into a dismal and gloom-filled rainy day, that I hate umbrellas. I have to walk a solid 6 steps, 5 if I stride, to get to my car. Now, despite the torrential downpour of water that was bucketing itself onto my head for that quick jaunt, I had absolutely no desire to get out my handy-dandy, fit-in-your-purse-when-dry, umbrella. What's the point? I thought to myself. There is so much effort taking it out - as if my hands are not already full, leaning awkwardly out the door to try and open it properly... (because heaven forbid I bestow upon myself bad luck for doing it the easy way and just opening it up inside the house) that I can swoop out the door without even feeling as much as a mist on me. Then, when I get to the car, I have to manuever my armful of items and jockey them into one arm in order to open the car door. Followed by yet another very awkward lean and plump into the drivers seat like I am some sort of beached whale. but wait, the saga isn't over yet. I still have to close the drabby thing, shake it off a little bit, bring it inside the car, close the door and put it somewhere approriate without getting myself and all my things wet either. Did I mention I have to try and find a home for my coffee, purse, planner, lunch and jacket as well?

Now, my simple solution was to simply not bring an umbrella with me today. I grabbed a jacket with a hood, plopped it on my head so that I did not have to worry about carrying it, giving me more handsfree opportunities, and also giving my protection from good ol' Mother Nature. So there you have it - my anti-umbrella, simply solutions rant. Or maybe I am casting my annoyance onto the wrong item. Maybe it's not the umbrella that I hate more so is the rain in the morning when I am trying to get to work still looking have kempt. It's a difficult task for me to do on a sunny day, let alone.

~ While we are on the subject of nuisances, I am not a fan of automatic toilet flushers. I won't go into details because frankly talking about toilets in any capacity seems inappropriate and gross to me and doubt that you want to read much about it. But I think they are the laziest, most ineffecient "invention" of our time - next to those dorky handsfree bluetooth things for your phone that make people look like they are walking around talking to themselves. ...Or even worse, you think they are saying something to you and you go to respond and it turns out they are talking on the phone via a little plastic thing hooked onto their ear. Cell phone techies have a sense of humor.

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